Monday, May 07, 2007

When you write about things like Wolfowitz and the Bank ...

The comments people have put up on my blog re Wolfowitz and the Bank have generally been reasoned and civil, even when they disagreed with me. Knowing the nature of much of blogosphere, I appreciate that very greatly. That is unfortunately not true of a number of the comments posted to some of the World Bank staffer blogs - David Ignatius described them as "shrill"; I would describe a goodly percentage of them as considerably more vicious than that. However, this email arrived at my office a few minutes ago, from one Mohamed Cassam,, and while it is probably not very unusual a communication for people who write on these topics, for someone like me who teaches pretty prosaic areas of corporate finance, governance, nonprofits, business transactions, etc., it is a bit startling.

Why such animus against Wolfie? Hostility to his "reforms"? So you ask.

What world do you live in?

Wolfie, Feith, Kristol and all the other Likudist gangsters who cooked up the Protocols of the Elders of....................................................................Neo Connery

are responsible, to date, for the murder of 1 million Irakis and smashing the lives of 22 million others by invading their country on false pretences for Israel's benefit.

You being a Hoover Institute hack couldn't give a damn how many Ai-Rabs the DoD kills, being the NAZI you are (North American Zionist+Israeli) Any way, congratulations on getting equal time with that Nobelisto JS on the FT..not bad for 3rd rate academic at a soso degree factory.

However you are on the right track regarding the spousal benefits that the senior Bank management cook up and enjoy. Go after them!

Mohamed Cassam


Anonymous said...

The message is appalling. Sadly, giving one's learned oppinion in "special" subjects nowadays is a dangerous profession for philosophers like you. You have all my support.

Un saludo!

Per Kurowski said...

Let us keep the eyes on the ball!

If we want good government results that have a chance of doing what is humanly good for humanity, in a shrinking world, that could only happen through more credible and better governed multinational institutions. But in this case, while rolling up or shirtsleeves to get going at it, we must also learn about how to prioritize our efforts.

Instead of beating the good guy on the head, just because he is more amenable to being beaten on the head, and start with a World Bank and that no matter Wolfowitz and some others, in relative terms, still stands out as a shining example of relative good governance in the world, we should all concentrate more on where good governance is much more lacking and much more needed, namely the United Nations.

May I humbly suggest we keep our eyes on the ball!

Per Kurowski
The Voice and Noise Foundation for International Development and Global Strategic Action