Saturday, May 26, 2007

Notes on how we do international law scholarship (post 0 of 4)

I've put up four continuous posts below that are all on the question of how we do international law scholarship, how it is evolving and changing and where it should go. These are purely working notes for a panel at the AALS/ASIL midyear meeting next month in Vancouver. I will be on a panel on this subject moderated by Jose Alvarez, president of the ASIL, and Ruth Gordon, Tom Ginsburg, and Richard Steinberg. My notes probably overemphasize two things at least - the location of shifting international law scholarship within broader shifts in the academy, and the sense of acrimony and friction as liberal internationalism has faced some challenges within the international law academy. I likely overstate those two. Plus there are important things I ignore - particularly the spillover of theorizing from international economic law, such as law and the WTO - and their effects on how we do academic international law. But, for what it's worth, these are my working notes for the Vancouver discussion. Very much first draft, and I will probably change my mind or at least degree of emphasis about various issues.

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